Saturday, July 23, 2011

Patterson - Never Disappoints

Now You See Her
by James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge

I believe I have read just about every one of James Patterson's adult novels. I say just about because I know there are a few that I started to read and just couldn't get into at the time, but that is a rarity when it comes to my relationship with Mr. Patterson. He has a way of grabbing hold of me and sucking me in like no other author. I can't really describe what I like about his writing. I guess maybe it is the twist and the way he leads you down one path and before you know it you have been shot clear to the other side of road with one of his great spins. 

In Now You See Her he does it again. He pulled me in from the very beginning of the book when our main character Jeanine is walking into a downtown New York hotel and meeting a handsome young stranger, Mr. Smith. Of course, the reader thinks only the worst as Mr. and Mrs. Smith quickly go up to one of the luxury rooms. Well, the twist starts there and doesn't end until the last page, back in New York in a luxury penthouse apartment. 

Flashing back, we meet a young Jeanine in Florida partying with her college friends as they celebrate their last spring break as students. It is this last night that changes everything for Jeanine. The choices she makes in that evening change her life forever.

Patterson continues his short chapters, one of my favorite things because I always think I can make it through one more chapter before I have to ... (fill in the blank...go to sleep, fix dinner, get back to work, wash clothes, etc.). The only problem with the short chapters is I tend not to stop with just one more. I am always compelled to continue reading because I simply can not put the book down. I really do love James Patterson's books. I go to his website often to see when the next books will be released. As soon as I see a new one is coming out I go straight to my public library's website and put the book on hold. If the book has not been ordered yet because the date is too far in the future, I make an appointment on my calendar reminding me to go in and put the book on hold about six weeks prior to the release date. I always want to be one of the first to read his newest book. Right now I will have to wait until August to read his new book (Kill Me If You Can), which actually has a few pages of preview at the end of Now You See Her. I don't ever want to read the previews because I can't stand to wait for the entire book.

Oh, and yes, I already have this book on's a pending status because the book hasn't been released, but as soon as the library gets it in I will have a copy in my hands!

Happy Reading!

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