Bullying has become a national epidemic not only in schools, playgrounds, but also online. It seems that everywhere you look someone is being bullied or bullying another. I remember when I was a child being teased and picked on, but now it seems to go far beyond name calling.
Stand Up to Bullying: Upstanders to the Rescue by Phyllis Kaufman Goodstein & Elizabeth Verdick illustrated by Steve Mark
Phyllis Kaufman Goodstein and Elizabeth Verdick have written a wonderful book entitled
Stand Up to Bullying: Upstanders to the Rescue which defines bullying, explains that it is NOT a game, identifies the roles of bullying, and empowers the "upstanders" (as opposed to the bystanders) to get involved and stop the bullying. In kid friendly terms and interactive text (Reader's Theater - short plays,True / False quiz , Assertive responses, and even body language tips), Goodstein and Verdick have created a great resource for school counselors, teachers, and others who work with children on a regular basis. I believe this books should be in the hands of these professionals on the first day of school to get the message out to all students that bullying is not acceptable. I think going through this book as a group, class, or maybe even one of one with students will empower them to become upstanders. If this book helps only one student in a school to feel they can make a difference in the war against bullying, then we have all won.
An example of a full page spread to help children identify instances of bullying. |
*To comply with new guidelines introduced by the Federal Trade Commission, Free Spirit Publishing has provided a complimentary digital copy of this book for review purposes. My review is in no way influenced by the author or publishing company and is solely my opinion.